Read below to learn about how Ground Floor Murals came to be and what we’re all about!
Make it stand out.
We met in 2019, and immediately bonded over our love for art.
Come 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic hit us hard. We had both been laid off from our jobs with no way of knowing when we could return to working and therefore supporting ourselves.
We spent our days in quarantine drawing, painting, and full of anxiety. A few months in, Paul bought a pack of spray paint online out of curiosity. This was the pivotal purchase that changed our lives as we knew them to be.
Paul painted this portrait of a rooster on a fence in his mom’s backyard, and, to say the least, it was an amazing mural for a novice painter!
Upon seeing it, his aunt gave us our first commission.
The completion of that piece was so satisfying and the reactions of the members of our family were so sweet that we had to achieve this feeling again. From then on, we knew that we were capable of forming a career out of our passion.
Besides art, one thing that’s super important to us both is community.
Our public pieces are our cooperation to the neighborhoods generous enough to welcome us and provide for us a space to carry out our craft.
We wish to instill a sense of self-love and pride in the people that will walk by and admire our pieces most frequently.
Growing up, there was little representation in art and media for us to relate to. We want to provide that for areas that need more of it.
Our drive is to pay homage to the cultures that formed us.
The walls that surrounded us shaped us into who we are, so to paint them is our greatest privilege.